Cyclocross, Espresso, How To -

How To: Make a Perfect Espresso and Capuccino

Here is the steamed milk and capuccino update to this series. Steaming milk just right is no easy task. And sometimes it comes out perfect and often it’s inconsistent. Listen carefully and you’ll find insights on the variables that affect quality.

And if you follow the Italians then “Milk only in the morning.”


The espresso shot is the most perfect expression of coffee. And a great espresso is a cyclist’s friend as it wakes up the mind and the body and gets it ready for the cycling adventure ahead.

But a bad shot of espresso is like drinking black tar – bitter and burnt. A great shot of espresso however has a wonderful aroma and can reveal many flavors underneath that naked coffee flavor.

Check out this How To video from our friends at the Global Cycling Network.


What are some your tips for pulling the perfect shot of espresso at home? What beans, grinder and machine do you use?

The post How To: Make a Perfect Espresso and Capuccino appeared first on Mountain Bike Review.
