Demo Flow Trail of Soquel Demonstration State Forest now open
Update: May 4, 2015
The Soquel Demo Flow Trail opened on April 17, 2014 and for the first time, riders were able to experience the complete trail with its six segments of bermed glory. With a descent of about 1250 feet and trail length of 3.75 miles, the Flow Trail snakes down the Santa Cruz Mountain crossing the old ‘Tractor’ trail several times. Built with many objectives in mind, the trail was completed with over 6300 of labor and over 500 individuals working on the trail.
The results so far have been mind-boggling as riders of all levels come out of the trail in a state of bliss or euphoria. It takes the average rider about 15 minutes to descend the trail with very little pedaling involved. The trail is simply that long as the hundreds of berms and undulations never cease to excite and involve the rider. Unlike most trails with straightaways and mundane parts that rack up the mileage, this trail always undulates up and down an turns left and right with massive berms demanding complete focus from the rider.

Mtbr rides the Flow Trail with Ryan Leech, Rob Roskopp, Joe Lawwill and Cedric Gracia (click to enlarge).
Another quality of the trail is it builds up in intensity as one goes down the six segments of trail. It starts the rider off with flatter descents and smaller berms and it gradually builds up speed, turning g-forces and jump opportunities. The flow builds up to a crescendo challenging the rider, backing off and then delivering more thrills. Though not all have the endurance to do it, the true experience of the Flow Trail is achieved by riding the trail non-stop from top to bottom.
All levels
One of the greatest achievements of the trail is it delivers an amazing experience to riders of all levels. As we poll first year mountain bikers at the bottom of segment 6, the accolades and high-fives are unbridled. Yet, checking in with the likes of Cedric Gracia and Joe Lawwill gets the same reaction as they are completely stoked by the ride too. The Flow Trail is designed such that it delivers more and demands more from the rider the faster and higher they go. Such is a rare attribute when a single trail can satisfy the descending needs of many different levels of riders.
Some first impressions from riders
“I can’t even begin to put words to how that fateful monday changed my life. Demo Flow Trail, thee be thy holy trail. Hallowed by thy shred.” – Frank Martinez, Shimano Crew
“Great piece of work, that is a fitness challenge as well as a skills challenge. For me, 13 minutes of pedaling out of corners, whipping the bike around, pumping left me spent, but ecstatic.” – Dave Silvas, SF Bay Area
“Rode it for the first time on Saturday: impeccable design and execution- a truly amazing trail. I rode it on a 29″ carbon hardtail, and the flow was near-perfect. That said, it was almost good enough to make me quit my job, move to SC, buy a 120mm travel bike, work at a coffee shop, and ride it every day. Superb work.” – Alex Broadwick, Wisconsin
“Sawpit + Braille + Flow = Fun3, a solid ride.
I am liking this flow thing ! Slightly increase in speed means huge increase in difficulty. I think it has been my fourth time there, and as I get to know the trail I am taking more air each time and I am starting to practice a more ‘aggressive’ position on the berms. I am also enjoying more the transitions, and learning when to pedal and when to pump the bike so to keep momentum and not get tired.” – Oscar Sanz
From MBOSC, The grand opening announcement
MBoSC is excited to announce the completion of the flow trail at Soquel Demonstration State Forest (SDSF). Over 530 unique volunteers have donated 6,300 hours of labor since February 2014 to build this epic 4-mile trail. We could not have done this without the generous support of our volunteers, sponsors, donors, and members, and we’d love to celebrate the completion of this amazing endeavor with you!
Please join us at the GRAND OPENING ceremony and celebration on Saturday May 9, 2015 at Badger Spring Picnic Area at SDSF from 1-4pm. Badger Spring is located just down Hihns Mill Road from the bottom of Sawpit trail, and is a beautiful spot next to the creek. We’ll have a short opening ceremony plus food, drink and live music.
Please note that RSVP’ing for the grand opening is required. Please do so at: MBOSC.ORG
Continue to page 2 for more about the build »
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