Chasing Trail – Utah
It’s winter. The Pacific Northwest is cold and rainy. You want to ride bikes, and think that Utah might be the perfect destination. Winner, winner, chicken dinner. Head to the desert with Kyle Jameson and Stan Jorgensen for some dry trail and all time adventure.
There are many ways to stay entertained throughout the winter; riding mountains on skis or boards, getting fit on the squat rack, catching up on some books that were started in summer, and interrupted by epic rides, dog hangouts, pot luck dinners, trail building etc. All of these are fun, but they do not feed the soul like breaking loose into a turn on the mountain bike.
The only solution guaranteed to feed the soul is to pack the truck and to drive down to the desert. For this particular trip, our destination was Virgin Utah. With its long tradition of freeride history we were stoked to bring the trail bikes and explore some of the phenomenal all-mountain riding in the area.
Every good trip, needs a good crew and ours came together for this trip in no time. Kyle Jameson, Stan Jorgensen and Scott Markewitz, each with strong, yet drastically different ties to the desert.

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