Abbey Saddle Fit Kit System unveiled
High end tool maker Abbey Bike Tools has introduced their new Saddle Fit Kit System. This compact, precise, and repeatable tool aids in replicating all three aspects of saddle positioning (height, setback, angle) so you can perfectly dial in your bike fit.
It’s been said that Eddy “Mr. Millimeter” Merckx changed his saddle position 50 times on a new bike once because he couldn’t get it right. It’s this kind of madness the crew at Abbey sought to eliminate with their new saddle fit kit.

The front of the saddle plate is engraved with a rule to allow you to calculate saddle setback at the saddle.
Ideal for traveling cyclists, pro mechanics, or any bike shop with discerning clientele, the fit kit is designed to eliminate saddle discrepancies by consistently measuring from a fixed point to get the saddle to within +/- .5mm of the riders ideal position.

The wide plate has ample room to mount a level, protractor or smart phone for adjusting the angle of the saddle.
The key to the new Abbey Tool starts by basing all the measurements off a central, fixed position, the center of the crank. The kit comes equipped with magnetic ‘bullets’ that fix themselves into crank arm fixing bolts or the preload cap on the non-drive arm on a Shimano crank and hook securely onto the end of any tape measure with a lip. With two reference marks you can pull a measurement to the exact same spot relative to the nose of the saddle every time. The front of the saddle plate is engraved with a rule to allow you to calculate saddle setback at the saddle. This allows you to drop the plumb bob off the side of the bike and clear all of the bottle cages.

The key to the new Abbey Tool starts by basing all the measurements off a central, fixed position, the center of the crank.
The wide plate has ample room to mount a level, protractor or smart phone for adjusting the angle of the saddle. This is particularly helpful for non-traditional saddles like SMP and Adamo. This kit is ideal for cyclists that travel and regularly have to re-assemble their bike, bike fitters and mechanics in the workshop and in the field.
Price is $150. For more info head to

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