How To, Neko Mulally, Video -

5 tips for smashing rock gardens from DH pro Neko Mulally

Ride rocks faster with these five tips from World Cup DH racer Neko Mulally

Ride rock gardens faster with these 5 tips from World Cup downhill racer Neko Mulally

Neko Mulally is one of America’s brightest stars on the World Cup DH scene. The Global Mountain Bike Network caught up with the talented racer in Whistler this year to get some insight on how to carry speed through rock gardens.

Part of what makes this particular segment so interesting is that Mulally’s perspective is that of a racer. He’s not just looking at how to get through the obstacles, but how his line choice will affect his speed entering the next section of track. As mere mortals, we’re usually just preoccupied with surviving, so this holistic approach to trail riding may be a revelation to some.


If you can’t watch the video because you’re at work and your employers hate fun, below is a quick summary of the five tips.

  1. Stop and take a minute to check out your line options.
  2. Once you’ve picked your line, try to find a point of reference to help you stay on it. This works for other trail obstacles, like blind rises, and corners you can’t see all the way through.
  3. Stay relaxed and let the bike do the work.
  4. When riding downhill, you’ll always be rear biased, but if you keep your body position neutral the suspension will perform better. Leaning too far forward can cause the front to pack up and the rear to chatter. Doing the opposite, leaning too far back, unweights the fork and reduces your ability to control the bike.
  5. Carry momentum. If you can keep your speed up, you’ll stay above the holes and avoid getting hung up on rocks.

For more tips and tricks, visit GMBN.

The post 5 tips for smashing rock gardens from DH pro Neko Mulally appeared first on Mountain Bike Review.
