2014 Mtbr Bike Lights Shootout: Tunnel Beam Patterns
We went out to a freeway underpass and risked our lives in the ‘hood’ as we photographed our test lights with our camera. The location is useful since it has walls and a ceiling that can display a bike light beam pattern. The walls have a lot of graffiti on them and actually show detail when they are lit up by a light with a wide angle. Cones and targets are set up every 20 feet with the far bullseye target set up at 120 feet.
It is very useful for a road cyclist or commuter to see real world useability of a light. For a mountain biker, the side walls show the peripheral visibility with the light. The tunnel roof indicates how the light will make the tree canopy visible as well.
The camera settings we used are the following:
- Camera: Olympus OM-D
- Setting: Full manual
- ISO: 200
- Exposure: 1.6 seconds
- Aperture: F4.0
- Focus: Manual
- White Balance: Daylight
- Quality: Jpeg High
Some of the lights’ beam patterns were tested in the backyard. We photographed the lights in the same location setting with the same camera settings. The photos were taken in the back yard that is approximately 25 yards long. These photos feature many objects and a distinct background to analyze detail and beam pattern.
To complement these Tunnel Beam and Backyard Beam Patterns, please check our Lumen Measurements and Individual Light Reviews of these lights.
Hit the Full Screen button to enlarge the photos.

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