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2021 Canyon Sender, Bikes, Canyon Sender, Downhill, downhill race, Gear, mullet bike -

The iconic Canyon Sender downhill bike makes the jump to 29-inch wheels, but opts for a mullet build on smalls and mediums. Oh, and its lighter, longer and more adjustable.

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Components, Gear, recyclable carbon, Revel Bikes, RW30, U.S.-Made Carbon, Wheels -

We already know the Revel RW30 wheels are U.S. made, recyclable and impact resistant. But now, after months on the trail, we can finally talk about how they actually ride.

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barrel adjuster, Brakes, dead spot adjust, freestroke adjust, Fresh Produce, Gear, hydraulic barrel adjuster, Outbraker -

The Outbraker BPB isn't exactly a Brake Power Booster as it is a Brake Preference Booster. It allows you to adjust your Shimano lever's free stroke. I guess the acronym still works, though.

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Bikes, Gear, XC/Marathon -

The BMC lineup has been shifting towards XC for the past few years. The longest-travel bike in their catalog (without a motor) is the 120-millimeter Speedfox. But the kind of XC they’re shifting towards is not the XC of 10 years ago. They are front and center on the bandwagon that’s pushing more aggressive geometry Read More

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Components, Gear, schwalbe, Tires -

Schwalbe has always remained focused, driven, and committed to making high-end tires to meet the demands of this ever-changing sport. The release of an entirely re-engineered family of casings as well as tread pattern updates and offerings is proof of that commitment.

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