hayes, Industry News, manitou, ProTaper, SUNRingle, XC - June 16, 2020 Hayes Introduces All New XC Line Not every day is race day. Hayes' new line of components is meant for the rider between the tape, and the ones outside of it as well. Share Share on Facebook Tweet on Twitter Pin on Pinterest Back to Gear – BIKE Magazine Tags 1/1 10 Barrel Brewing 100% 1501 carbon 1800i 1Up 200 millimeter 200mm 200mm rotors 2019 BC Bike Race 2019 Bible of Bike Tests 2019 Bible: Tucson 2019 Photo Annual 2020 Bible of Bike Tests 2020 Bible of Bike Tests: Marin 2020 Canfield 2020 Enduro 2020 Evil Following 2020 Fuel EX 2020 Photo Annual 2021 Canyon Sender 2021 Commencal Meta AM 29 2021 Troy 223 223 rotor 24 inch mountain bike 24-inch 26-inch 27.5 27.5 rear 29 29 enduro 29 front 29 Plus 29-inch DH 290 Elite 29er 30X 31.8 34 34 Grip2 35 millimeter bars 35th anniversary 36 38 3ZERO MOTO 40 440C 45NRTH 5010 50to01 661 79er 7iDP 7mesh 975 A Dog's Life A2 A318 A4 Aaron Gwin Abbey Tools access4bikes Accessories Accomplice Accomplice film ace hayden Adam Brayton Adam Craig adelaide adjustable dropper post Adjustable Spring Rate adventure Affect R Chester aggressive cross country Aggressive hardtail Aggressive short-travel Aggressive Trail Aggressive XC Air Air Compressor Air Pressure Station Air Tool Alan Mandel Alaska Alchemy Alchemy Bicycles Alchemy Bikes ale di lullo Alex pavon all country All Mountain Alloy Rims ALN Alpine Trail alps aluminum Aluminum Capra Aluminum rims AM30 AM5 AM9 AM902 Amaury Pierron amazon bleed kit American Made amir kabbani Amp Andreu Lacondeguy Andrew Shandro angular impact anka martin Anne-Caroline Chausson Anneke Beerten Anthill Films anthony smith Antoine Buffart antoine vidal Apidura Apparel Apple TV Aptos ARC ARC hardtail archer components Arctic Circle Route Arcturian Åre Arizona Arktos Arktos 29 ash smith Ashley Korenblat ASMR Assegai Atlas Atlas Freeride Aubesian Audi Nines Audi Nines Bubble Australia auto-correct Axion AXS AZT 300 B.C. 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Controls CORBA Corbin Selfe corey martinez Coron Air Spin Coronavirus cotic Cotic BFE Max Cotic Bikes Covid-19 crabapple hits craig evans Crane Mips crankbrothers Crankbrothers Synthesis Crankbrothers Wheels Cranks Crankworx Crankworx 2019 Crankworx Gear crankworx rotorua Crankworx Whip-Offs Crankworx Whistler crashing creekside Crested Butte Croatia Cross Country cross country helmets Cross Country Race Cross Country Soft tail Cross-Country Shoes Cumberland Curtis Keene Cush Core CushCore cushcore XC custom bike light Custom Frame Bag cyclist's palsy cycobyco professional CZU Fire d1x D1x Trail D30 D4 D4 Helmet DAKINE Dakotah Norton damon iwanaga dan milner dan paley Danny Hart Danny MacAskill Dante Silva dark crystal DarkFEST Darren Berrecloth Dave Wiens David Lieb David McMillan Davis Jacket dead spot adjust dean lucas Deathgrip Decoy deer valley Define Deflect Deftrap deity Deity Components Deity Grips Deore 12-speed derailleur hanger Desous Devinci devinci troy DF-1 DH DH X2 DH-R Evo Dharco Diamondback Digger Digger Knows Fear dirt farm Dirt Fest Dirt Glove dirt jump dirt jump roll-in dirt jumping dirt jumps Dirt Love Dirt Rag Dirt Roamer Dirt Suit Dirt Suit Pro Dirtlej Dissector DJ Django 29 Dogfish Head dolomites Dometic Dominion donny souja Double Barrel Down Country downcountry Downhill Downhill Domination downhill race Downieville Downieville Classic Dreadlock dream build Dream Builds Drivetrain drone drone racing Dropper dropper post Dropper post saddle bags Druid dt-swiss Dual Slalom Dual Speed and Style DUB duluth Dummy Fork durango DVO Dylan Sherrard Dylan Stark Dynaplug e*thirteen e-bike e-bikes E-Mountain Bike E-MTB E8000 Eagle earbud easton llewelyn Ebikes EDC Edge 1030 Plus Edge 130 Plus Edge 22 eewings El Toro 20 electric bike Electronic suspension Electronics Element Eliot Jackson Elliot Heap Emil Johansson Eminent Cycles Eminent Onset Eminent Onset MT Endurance Endurance Fuel Endurance racing Enduro Enduro 29 Enduro full-face Enduro hardtail Enduro Strap enduro world series Energy Blocks Energy Chews Energy Gummies Entry-Level Enve Enve Composites epic evo Equalizer Equipment & Mindset Ergon Ergon GFR-1 Freeride Grips Ergon Saddle eric porter Erik Fedko ESD ESI Ethan Nell eurobike Eurobike 2019 Events evil Evil Bicycles evil bikes Evil black Collars Evil Following evil the following Evil Wreckoning EVO AM Evoc EWS EX 1700 EXC 1501 Exceed EXT ERA EXT Storia Fabio Wibmer Fabric Facebook Live Fake News Fall Falling Fanatik Bike Co fanny pack fast life fat bike Fatbike fatbiking Features feedback sports Felix Burke FEST series Fezzari Fezzari Delano Peak filter Fingerbiking Fingers Crossed fingers crossed bmx fingerscrossed fingerscrossed bmx Finn Illes Fire Fundraiser first ride Five Ten fix it sticks Flagstaff Flask flat Flat Pedal Shoe flat pedals flat shoe Flat Shoes flo payet Float X2 floor pump Florian Nicolai Florida Fly Flylow Follow me Following Following MB foot pump for the love of trails Forbidden Forbidden Bike Co Forbidden Druid Force 29 forefront Forefront 2 Fork Oil Fork Service Forks Formation Fort Williams Foundation Fox fox 34 Fox 36 Fox 38 fox 40 Fox DPX2 Fox Float X2 Fox Live Fox Shox fox suspension Fox Transfer Frame Bag france Freedom Riders Freeride Freerider Pro freestroke adjust French Alps Fresh Produce Friends From the Inside Out Fromme fruita fuel fuel ex Fuji Full suspension BMX Full Suspension Frame Bag Fully Loaded Funn Funndemental Furtado Fuse Galfer Gallery Gambler Garett Buehler Garmin Garmin 1030 Plus Garmin 830 garrett byrnes Gear Gear Features Gee Atherton geoff gullevich Geoff Kabush george brannigan Giant Giant Bicycles Giant bikes Giant Factory Giant Rev Pro giant trance 29 Giant Trance X Advanced Pro 29 Giro Giro Manifest Giro Sector Giro Shoes Giro Tyrant Giveaways Glasses Glove Gloves Gnarvana Go RVing Goodyear GORE GORETEX GP1 GP3y gps GPS Tracking Graham Agassiz Grand Canyon Granite Design Granite Designs Gravel Bikes Greenland Greg minnaar Griffus grimy 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Instinct BC Insulated Intend Intense Internal cable routing Interviews Intrigue 29 Ion ION Hipbag Plus Ion Scrub Amp Italy Itinerology iTunes iXS iXS Trigger IZZO jacket jackson jackson hole mountain resort Jagwire james doerfling james farrar Jamis Portal Japan Jared Graves jaxson riddle Jaybird JB Liautard Jean Shorts Jeffsy Jeffsy AL Jenn Kriske Jérémie Reuiller Jeremy Grant Jesse Melamed Jet WaveCel joe barnes joe breeden Joe Smith Joel Anderson Joel Ducrot Joey Schusler John Richardson Johny Salido jolanda neff Joplin Jordie Lunn jordie lunn bike park Jorts Josh Bryceland Josh Lewis joyride Judge juliana Juliana Bicycles juliana furtado Juliana Maverick Jumps & Drops Jussi Grznar Kade Edwards Kaitlyn Boyle kali kamloops kanuga Kasper Woolley katarina nash Kate Courtney katie holden kc deane Kelly McGarry Kenda Pinner Pro Kenda Tires kenny smith kid's seat kids kids bikes Kids full suspension kids mountain bikes Kids Ride Shotgun Kids' Gear Kilian Bron Killington Killington Bike Park killington resort kingdom trails Kingdom Trails Association kitsbow Kitsuma Klein Klunkerz Knee Pads knolly Kobe Bryant kokopelli trail Kona Kona bicycles Kona Bikes kona hei hei Kona Hei Hei CR/DL Kona Honzo Kona Process 24 Kona Process X kona remote 160 Kona Shonky Koroyd Krakken Kristin Butcher kuat Kuat one-bike add-on Kuat racks Kurt Refsnider Kurt Sorge kyle jameson Kyle Norbraten Kyle Strait L.A. LA la fenasosa lachlan blair Lacy Kemp ladakh ladies allride Ladies Only Lake lake tahoe Langdale Las Virgenes Laurie Greenland lawsuit leadville Lenzerheide Leo Gamboc Leogang World Cup Les Gets les orres Let Us Know in the Comments Levo Levo SL lewis buchanan lezyne Light & Motion light and motion Light Bicycle Light Weight Lights lightweight Lightweight full-face LIghtweight shorts Lines in the Dirt linkage fork Lionhead LIv Liv Bicycles Liv Cycling Liv Intrigue Liv Pique Liv Shuttle Flat live to ride Live Valve Livewire Living Link lizard skins Loam Lever Lock on grips lockdown Lockjaw Loic Bruni london Long travel 29 Long-Travel XC Longest Dropper Post LooseFEST Lord of the Squirrels Loris Vergier Lory Merino Low rider low speed rebound Luca Cometti Luca Shaw ludo may Luke Cryer Luke Strobel Lumbar reservoir Lunch Loops Lunch Ride