Adventure, BASE Jumping, mont blanc, News, Red Bull, wingsuit, wingsuiting -

Wingsuit Flyers Cruise Over Mont Blanc in ‘The Longest Line’

The Soul Flyers — a French aerial sports team — make all the right moves in this jaw-dropping wingsuit video.

Prepare your palms for sweat. It’s the only correct physical reaction to wingsuit videos, and this one from Soul Flyers is a doozy.

In the vid, three members of the French aerial sports collective jump out of a helicopter above Mont Blanc and promptly travel over 2,000 vertical feet and 4.5 horizontal miles in about three and a half minutes.

The trio soars gracefully over glaciers and snow-covered cliffs before pulling the ‘chute in the valley below the mountain. It’s a quick watch, and perfect for a little shot of adrenaline if you are feeling groggy.

Runtime: 4 minutes

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Mountaineers Complete Ski Tour, BASE and Wingsuit Jumps in Arctic Circle
One Polish athlete is attempting something epic this month: a self-sufficient ski tour expedition that will encompass climbing, skiing, and BASE jumping in the Arctic Circle. Read more…

The post Wingsuit Flyers Cruise Over Mont Blanc in ‘The Longest Line’ appeared first on GearJunkie.
