big mountain skiing, Carl Weiseth, French Alps, Jeff Katz, News, paragliding, Skiing, teton gravity research -

Big Mountain Skiers Take to the Skies in ‘Speedflying the French Alps’

What is speedflying? We can tell you, but honestly, it’s probably best if you just watch this new vid from Teton Gravity Research.

Speedriding — also called speedflying — asks the question, “What if skiing, but with wings?” In short, it’s a kind of big-mountain skiing that utilizes small glider-style parachutes to vault over unskiable terrain before landing once again on snow.

If that sounds nuts, you’re right; it is. But that doesn’t stop athletes Carl Weiseth and Jeff Katz from gleefully participating in the sport (they also run a training program in Salt Lake City).

The video wizards over at Teton Gravity Research made a short film, and it pulls out the stops to impress.

Runtime: 5 minutes

An Inside Look At the Premier Big Mountain Safety Class In The Country
An Inside Look at the Premier Big Mountain Safety Class in the Country
“There’s this massive chasm between the current style of avalanche training and modern backcountry skiing. It just doesn’t meet the needs of many skiers,” said Zahan Billimoria, a Patagonia athlete and Exum guide, as we skinned up Granite Canyon in Teton National Park. “We need to abandon the curriculum and instead foster curiosity and collaboration in learning snow safety and understanding risks.” Read more…

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