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Bicycle ‘Dream Team’ will Raffle Gorgeous Custom Build to Benefit Trails

Argonaut, Mosaic, Sklar, Stinner, and McGovern — you pick which custom builder you want to make your perfect bike.

Five of America’s top handmade bike builders join forces for the second year in a row to raise money for trails and raffle off a jaw-dropping custom bicycle.

Best of all — it could be yours.

Mosaic Cycles gravel bicycle
Photo credit: John Watson

Last year, the Builders for Builders campaign raised more than $40,000 for the Sierra Buttes Trail Stewardship (SBTS). This year, SBTS and the framebuilding “dream team” of Stinner Frameworks, Sklar Bikes, Mosaic Cycles, Argonaut Cycles, and McGovern Cycles hope to top that with $10 raffle tickets.

One lucky winner will choose the builder, bike, and paint they want most.

Custom ‘Dream Bike’ Raffle

Argonaut Cycles
Photo credit: John Watson

As noted, each raffle ticket is $10, and entrants can buy as many raffle tickets as they wish. All proceeds will benefit SBTS, a nonprofit that works on trail construction, maintenance, events, and promoting outdoor recreation in Northern California.

“I can’t begin to express how grateful we are to be involved with this fundraiser,” SBTS executive director Greg Williams said in a statement. “Thanks to Builders for Builders, last year we were able to put $40,000 back into the community through trail projects like Beckwourth Peak Trail and Mills Peak Trail.”

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All five builders fabricate their bikes in the U.S. and are perennial contenders (and winners) at the North American Handmade Bike Show (NAHBS).

Sklar Bikes

While the raffle winner will select their builder and bike — steel, titanium, or carbon fiber — ENVE and White Industries will deck out the final setup. Needless to say, it will make for one hell of a custom bike — definitely worth the $10 investment.

Interested? Learn more about the builders, SBTS, and enter the raffle here. Hurry! One winner will be selected at random on June 7.

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