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Top 9 mountain biking mistakes


Smashing your knuckles while removing those pesky pedals can often draw blood.

Mountain biking can be as simple as pedaling away from one’s doorstep or it could be as complex as a multi-person, logistics-strewn expedition. A mistake can ruin a ride or prevent the ride from even starting.

Here’s a few from our friends at GMBN. Chime in with your favorite mistakes.


1. Slipped pedal to shin. The classic. On the scale of pain, this is a ten. We’ve all done it, the proof is on our shins.

2. Over tightening bolts. – Just need to put my seat up, I’ll just tighten this up and then we’ll get going. Did you just round that bolt? You should know better not to overtighten bolts, man.

3. Forgetting your kit.

4. Unscrewing your valve core when removing your pump.

5. Waiting for a mate. It’s a beautiful day, the trails are calling, and you arrange to meet your mate for a ride in the woods. But where is he?

6. Don’t be that person that never fixes their bike.

7. The gear cruncher – Changing gears under max torque and damaging the drivetrain.

8. Here’s one mistake you’ll only make once. Smashing your knuckles when removing your pedals.

9, Forgetting a vital piece of your bike.

What about you? Help us out with your suggestions for #10.


The post Top 9 mountain biking mistakes appeared first on Mountain Bike Review.
